Friday, November 12, 2010

I.Q. Book I: Independence Hall, by Roland Smith

Roland Smith is one of my "go to" authors and he has not disappointed in this new series. The story begins at the wedding of Q (Quest)'s mother and Angela's father. A plot device is that the parents (Roger & Blaze) are professional musician's whose careers have suddenly taken off. After the wedding the entire newly blended family is taking off in a "coach" (a very fancy bus) for a year-long tour as a result of Blaze and Roger's number one album.

A musical tour with a new family could be enough to make for an interesting story. But the plot thickens. Somewhere between Nebraska and Philadelphia Angela reveals that her mom had been a secret service agent and died in the line of duty. Angela wants to follow in her footsteps and become an agent in one of the intelligence agencies.

Of course shortly thereafter the two kids become in an international intrigue.

The plot may be a bit far-fetched, but Smith tells a good story that will keep readers engaged. This is not his first book involving secrets or run-and-hide plots. Zach's Lie and Zach's Run focus on witness protection.

A nice sub plot involves Q's interest in magic tricks. There is much here to involve both boys and girls in an exciting adventure. I'm going to begin the next book in the series tonight!

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